Wondrous Ones

Accomplishments from My Tribe of Wondrous Ones: 


"It is a delight to work with my associates, aka, the “Wondrous Ones".  I get to facilitate the joys of creative expression, musicianship, self-development; and foster the inner peace that results from having a healthy process practice that enriches all aspects of life."

                                        -Sharon G





Building her voice after healing from an illness. Now, she’s gained balance throughout her range, and singing much higher notes than before, with ease and control. This busy grandmother recently became an ESL teacher, returning to nursing, and preparing for her own YouTube channel of song performances!



Nathan built the confidence, and frankly the willingness to train his voice and get out in the world with it.
After some time, he put together a body of his own songs, and released his own albums of original music.



Anne started off to prepare for an audition. Passing that audition opened a world of possibilities.
During the “world retreat” she performed in on-line showcases, and recently did an entire show in NYC!!!
She’s following her calling all while dedicated to her daytime profession.
Is this possible?
When you decide that NOW is your time.

Here we are in preparations for her birthday music videos!!!



Carlos wanted to cultivate the stamina and skills to showcase his own performance at milestone birthday.
His dream did come true, and he delivered a whole set of songs, with the confidence of having built his voice. 
He performed at his party like a pro, dedicated to his evolution as a singer. This was not a just get-up-there-with-a-drink, and karaoke for fun. 
(It is wonderful to work within one’s , because it is all about having a coach that is OPEN and flexible to what you want to accomplish. )




Sandy: Fulfilling her previously dormant dream of playing the piano.  Embracing that she is indeed “playing” piano, (not just studying piano). 
More in-the-flow, playing more freely!!! Built up the courage to record “Take 5” and likes it. Family agrees she’s playing “smoother”.

Here we are, BRAVO!!!





Ashley wanted to sing pop movie hits, and struggled with her voice derailing in the climactic endings of songs. With gentle technique skills, and learning energy management and prosody, we systematically balanced and built upon her vocal range. She was selected to perform at a convention on the East Coast.


Here we are in focus on "intentions" before recording an audition video.



Elwin was finding it hard to get through choir rehearsals without straining his voice. (This is NOT something to just shrug off -if you want to stay in the choir. It is NOT good to deal with strain, especially on a consistent basis!)
He knew he had to “use his diaphragm”, but certainly did not yet understand how to apply this. In 90 days of work together, he found a renewed vocal strength with less effort, more control, and pitch consistency!!!



Alma: Playing the piano for his congregation with ease, and even preaching while playing!!! A YouTube channel is upcoming.

Chloe: Her Mom loves hearing her playing piano perfectly along with a drum beat ! Now she’s singing too.


Duane: In the process of re-visiting his writing and spoken word performance. While at his full-time job, he created the time and energy to share his poetry. In fact, the practice is giving him a renewed energy that fuels other parts of life.


Iris: Memorizing songs, plus intensive “Angel of Music” study, including 5 flats!!! Advanced theory; with flowing creative fun, clever humor, and art skills; in the process of integrating all of this into a unique expression.



Jennifer: This busy Mom has taken the time to invest in strengthening her voice. She has found a confidence that spills into other areas, and is exploring other creative callings previously ignored.


Lauren: Wonderful progress in the Bastien Piano for Adults, and in respecting the process of learning the language of music. Has learned the skill of patience in this journey! Yay!



Lois: Wow! Covering quite an extensive piano repertoire while also being active in Toastmasters International.


Maddy: Amazing skill of memorizing pieces on a regular basis, within the Bastien Piano for Adults 2. Maturity and dedication to piano studies, along with being a busy high school athlete. Began performance videos on YouTube at: Channel: “Slushbox Live” Playlist: “Clients’ and Associates’ Showcase”



Michele: So much progress in the theory behind the music. Venturing into McCoy Tinor sheet music, even during her first 90days of sessions! Making significant progress through the Bastien Piano for Adults, with much grace and ease.

Videolog of songs has begun at the aforementioned YouTube channel and playlist.


Nausicaa: Building her voice and is working on dance with vocals. She’s dedicated to high school studies, and pursuing auditions in the process! What a wonderful progression and evolution, and demonstration of confidence in musical abilities!


Ollie: Completed the entire Little Mozarts series, and now can play with beats, and improvise! Great progress bringing so much energy to the Faber 5-Finger Rock n Roll Book!


Roxanne: Studying piano for the wonderful cognitive benefits, and preparing to sing and play with her husband on guitar.
My partner, Mark is his guitar instructor.

Here we are in action below.




Tempest: Found a new freedom to masterfully embody playing from memory. This dancer/actress/pianist is creatively improvising in repertoire!


West: Has “graduated” through the Little Mozarts series, and is learning left hand chords with right hand melodies. He creates wonderful improvisations, to balance the always-moving-forward book progress.


Yunalesca: More comfortable improvising on piano. Staying the course in her process, and stepping into leadership, co-directing in dance. Recently, has taken up guitar studies, with a great advantage in this new venture because of a great foundation of piano studies!

There is time for you, to be the musician you want to be!

Share this those you know who would benefit.


Get started.



Happy Summer!  Sharon G

I am excited to talk with you about the joy of your expression !


Sharon G

Sharon G

In thousands of private sessions and on a thousand diverse stages,
she has fostered the direct experience of thriving self expression.  
She is known for inspiring others through empowering original songs and diverse productions; artist residencies, being nominated for "Best Local Band" of Long Beach, California.
Founder of bands, projects, award-winning clubs, scholarships recipient, performer-ambassador at the International Folk Music Festival, Bourgas, BG.


Why do I do this? 
Because I know firsthand the satisfaction and joy of finally bringing out my expression.  For decades, I lacked the confidence and support to step into what I really wanted to do.  Now, it has been nothing short of miraculous to actualize the dream that I kept dormant for the first half of my life!
Through presenting and in coaching, I know crystal clear that everyone can benefit by engaging their own unique process.

My work respects the role of music in shaping societies;
and the deep roots of cultural diversity and similarities.
B.A. in Ethnomusicology, UCLA

When people express the music of their souls,
you can see and feel the light, and life force shine through!


Get started, with Sharon G    (562)225-7867
Want to explore whether we’re meant to work with each other?
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